Guitar chord fingerings


Diagram Height

Piano diagrams will have this height. Their width depends on their content.
Default value: 44pt. scalable

Played notes

This defines the content of played notes:

  • Empty
  • Note
  • Pitch
  • Interval
  • Finger
Default value: Empty

Stroke width

This defines the line width used to draw the guitar diagram.
Default value: 1pt. not-scalable

Landscape diagrams

If enabled, guitar diagrams are drawn horizontally.
Default value: No

Strings extend beyong frets

If enabled, strings will go a little beyond the last drawn fret. Otherwise, they stop exactly on the last fret.
Default value: Yes

Center diagram

If enabled, and if diagram have fret numbers on one side, the center of the diagram will coincide with the center of the neck. Otherwise, fret numbers are considered, and the center will be slightly offset toward these fret numbers.
Default value: No



The color used to draw the strings and frets.
Default value: Content

Should fill open strings dots

If enabled, open strings dots will be filled with the dot fill color. Otherwise, only their border will be drawn.
Default value: Yes

Should fill muted strings dots

If enabled, muted strings crosses will be filled with the dot fill color. Otherwise, only their border will be drawn.
Default value: Yes


Show fingers

If enabled, fingering fingers are drawn after the last fret.
Default value: Yes

Fingers text color

The color used to draw fingering fingers.
Default value: Content color

Fingers font

The font used to draw fingering fingers.
Default value: Music font


Show fret numbers

If enabled, fret numbers are drawn beside the top string.
Default value: Yes

Show only lowest fret

If enabled, only the lowest fret will be drawn. Otherwise, all frets numbers will be drawn.
Default value: Yes

Always show fret numbers

If enabled, fret numbers are always drawn, event if the lowest fret is the first fret.
Default value: No

Fret numbers text color

The color used to draw fret numbers.
Default value: Content color, 75% opacity

Fret numbers font

The font used to draw fret numbers.
Default value: Music font


Barre fill color

The color used to fill barres.
Default value: Anti-Content color

Barre stroke color

The color used to outline barres.
Default value: Content color

Barre stroke width

This defines the line width used to draw barres outlines.
Default value: 1pt. not-scalable

Outline dots in barre

If enabled, the app draws dots oulines of notes inside barres.
Default value: No

Fill dots in barre

If enabled, the app fill dots backgrounds of notes inside barres.
Default value: Yest



Define how dots are displayed.