Border Style


Show border

If enabled, the app draw the border, taking its padding and line width into account to layout the content. If disabled, the border is not drawn and its padding and line width do not participate in the layout.
Default value: Variable

Background color

This color is drawn inside the area delimited by the border, including its padding.
Default value: Transparent


The content of the border is inset from these values when it is laid out.
Default value: 8pt. on each side, scalable

Fill column/page horizontally

When enabled, the border span horizontally the whole available width, whereas it’s the full document width or a column. Otherwise, the border hugs its content, taking the padding into account.
Default value: true


Stroke color

This color is used to trace the border.
Default value: Content Color

Line width

The width of the line used to trace the border. It participates in the layout.
Default value: 1pt. scalable


This setting defines which sides of the border box are drawn. You can draw a complete rectangle or only some parts of it.
Default value: All

Line Caps

This setting defines how lines end. This is only visible when the border box is not a complete rectangle
Default value: Round

Line Joins

This setting defines how corners of the border are drawn when they are square. This only applies for non-rounded corners
Default value: Round

Rounded Corners

Rounded Corners

This setting allow to make some of the corners rounded when the border is a complete rectangle.
Default value: None

Corner radius

This radius is used to draw rounded corners as specified by the setting above.
Default value: 3pt. scalable