Musical elements style


Chord font

This font is used to draw chord symbols.
Default value: Chord font

Chord symbol color

This color is used to draw chord symbols.
Default value: Accent 1 color

Annotation positioning

Prevent overlapping

If enabled, the layout engine will rearrange the text so chords and other annotations do not overlap.
Default value: Yes

Smallest gap

This is the smallest gap allowed between two annotations when overlapping is prevented.
Default value: 0pt. scalable

Voicing layout


This defines how the chord symbol and the chord diagram are aligned in their box.
Default value: Centered

Symbol position

This defines how the chord symbol and the chord diagram are positioned in their box.
Default value: Symbol below diagram

Symbol-Voicing gap

This is the distance between the chord symbol and the chord diagram.
Default value: 4pt. scalable

Alignment reference

When aligning the voicing relative to the text, the app may use either the chord symbol or the diagram as a reference. By default, it aligns chord voicings relative to the chord symbol.
Default value: Symbol

Piano voicings

Define how piano voicings are displayed.

Guitar chord fingerings

Define how guitar chord fingerings are displayed.


Simple Tab

Define how simple tabs are displayed.