Column Style

Column Separator

Show column separator

If enabled, the app will draw a line between columns. Please note that the width of this line is accounted when calculating in the available width for content on the page.
Default value: True

Stroke color

This defines the color used to stroke the line.
Default value: Content color

Stroke width

This defines the width of line. This width is accounted when calculating the available width for content on the page.
Default value: 1pt, scalable


Column padding

Column content is inset by this additional padding. This doesn’t affect 1-columns layout
Default value: 8pt. on each side, scalable

Compact columns

Compact columns

If enabled, the app distribute content into columns such as the height of the columns is the smallest possible. Otherwise, the app fill all the available space on the page before starting a new column. Please note that is setting is automatically enabled if you select a columned layout without pagination.
Default value: true